Wheatley stopped when The man started shouting after them. He turned to look at him with a slightly guilty expression. He listened as the man explained his theory. It made some sort of logical sense. At least it made more sense than anything he could come up with. He'd decided awhile ago now that this was not GLaDOS' doing. "Eh-heh... Right. We should probably stick together... But I don't think I want to be incinerated for trying to help. Clearly, she doesn't want anything to do with any of us. Your crazy friend over there-" He pointed at the heavy man. "-is going to get us all killed. So I figured putting some distance between myself and Miss Fireball would be a smart thing to do. A win-win situation. She doesn't have to see me and I don't have to get incinerated." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. Now that he thought about it, it sounded selfish. But it also sounded logical. But, then, when has *anything* Wheatley has ever done been *logical?*