**Aleida and Tidal - Ayero - Ladyl Woods** Her eyes narrowed, only for a moment, and focused in on Sebastian. A sudden feeling of greed washed over her as he spoke, but it was gone in an instant. She would have spoken up about it if not for the sudden shift in her hands as Belle lowered herself to allow Aleida to get on. With slight trouble she managed to pull herself up onto the saddle, and as Tidal situated himself between her legs a powerful force and shriek rained down from the Heavens. Aleida let her head drop slightly as the pressure filled her mind with an unneeded pain, and after a second of getting used to the ache she glanced upwards, and nearly fell off the Pidgeot. There, just above the trees, stood Rayqueza. The Sky High Pokemon. Images of etchings on walls and fire flashed briefly through her head, and her hands tightened around Tidal's body before she turned to stare at Sebastian, confusion clear on her face. She watched him scale the trees, face focused on the green serpent above them, and after he seem situated on the back, a sly smile became apparent on his face. _"I may not have been entirely truthful earlier, so allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Sebastian Liastine, former heir of the now defunct House Liastine of Lugere, and this is my acquaintance, Quazar-"_ Aleida stared up at them blankly, and for a split second, betrayal painted her face. She had been tricked, lied to, she had once again been too naive to catch a lie, and after inhaling deeply she straightened her back and grinned her stupid grin. Her trust for this man was slipping fast, but she would't let that show, she had to finish this mission, and without help how would she? Aleida stared up at the Rayqueza with narrowed eyes for a moment, biting her lip as, once again, her foggy mind attempted to remember _something,_ but it was just kept out of her reach. No, now wasn't the time to worry about something like that. Her hands drifted to Belle's feathers and she squeezed tightly, nodding, "He's right, Belle, we should head over to the place before Seth gets in trouble." --- **Mysterious Bird Pokemon - Ayero - Ladyl Woods** The cries of a children echoed off the walls of the cavern, their throats sore from overuse. A far off, familiar cry silenced some of them, and a sudden gust of wind blew most of them back against the wall. The Pokemon, their kidnapper, stood before them, gleaming in the sunlight that drifted in through the cave entrance. In its claw another child lay, sobbing into her hands as she was gently place onto the rock floor, and the other children stared up at the bird with frightened eyes. One child, a boy in the corner, clung to a mass of black fur, one eye on the bird. "I-It's going to e-e-eat us!" The child cried, causing the others to fall back and wail even more. The new girl quickly joined the four other kids, face red from tears, and the bird let out a low growl, wings glinting orange in the sunlight. It was beginning to feel rather hungry.