K I'm here im queer im ready to steer this rp the wrong way whoops [Factory innards](http://lh3.ggpht.com/_hVOW2U7K4-M/SaegAB1LU5I/AAAAAAAA7Cs/twiLTeGZyPw/s800/e5y6uwrt6erthre.jpg) [Seekers normally wear Kabuki Masks](http://davidmackguide.com/portfolio/kabuki/masks/images/kabuki-ebay.jpg) Toku is locked up in a Future Industries facility just outside of Republic City. It is a factory, old and abandoned, and guarded heavily by FI personnel and perhaps a few Seekers (told apart by their entirely black get up and kabuki mask). He is being prepped for shipment to Ba Sing Se, so he is currently in a platinum shipping container, suspended above the empty hull of a factory. There are narrow slots so he can peer out if he wants to, and since the place is such a wreck it will be cold and somewhat foggy within building. What he's up to is entirely up to you.