![enter image description here](http://i59.tinypic.com/a1txma.png "enter image title here") **Name**: Lucaris Cain **Alias/Nickname**: Luca **Age**: 21 **Race**: Chimera; Due to the Fall of Hell's Gates essence that was once unable to mix could now mix. Things that were once impossible were slowing starting to become reality. A mother that was once an Angel but had Fallen to the state of a human had essence that resembled both an Angel's and a Human's. A Surface Demon in the form of a Werewolf who was once unable to father a child had now found himself gazing upon his lover with a child in her arms. **Appearance**: In no way is Lucaris' apperance imposing. He stands at a grand height of 5'7"(170cm), and is fairly light at the weight of 118lbs(53.5kg). His hair and eyes are both light in colour, betraying his angelic essence. His hair being snow white, and his eyes being a pale grey-blue. However, to contrast the light he also has his own dark. His hands are tipped with beast-like claws where fingernails ought to be, and his mouth is filled with sharp teeth that resembles nothing like a human's. Due to years of hunting in the wild Lucaris' body has been streamlined for quick, silent movements. His body is evenly covered in muscle ready to chase and pounce on his prey so that he may overpower it with tooth and nail. **Social Status**: Undecided. It is not known just yet where someone like Lucaris could fit within today's society. He is a creature of impossibility. A Chimera made through purely natural means where it was once impossible. **Relations**: A mother and a father. **General Activity**: Before the recent killing of his parents Lucaris would spend his days doing his chores. When he was not working on his chores he would spend the rest of the day in the thick forest that surrounded his home. **Abilities**: Lucaris has never refined any sort of magical ability. His past lifestyle has given him the ability to prowl through the quietest of locations without making so much of a whisper of sound. His physical abilities outrank that of a normal human's, although he cannot fight head-to-head with those who are physically capable. He prefers to use his lithe agility to temporarily escape from any danger only to then strike when his prey leaves any weakness unguarded. **Equipment**: Lucaris keeps no weapon upon his person as he's never had any need of one in the past. His own biological weapons have always been more than enough to kill his prey whether it be a bear or a doe. Due to the light complexion of his hair, Lucaris always carries around with him a heavy cloak with a hood which serves to hide both his claws and his hair. Also on his person is a necklace with three glass beads given to him by his mother as a good luck charm, as well as a small shard of crystal of mysterious origins (a shard of The Essence of the World) that he has tied around his wrist in a makeshift bracelet. I**nstrument**: Instead of taking the form of an instrument Lucaris' shard takes the form of a pair of Kamas. (Ignore the fancy colours. Just imagine it with a black handle and normal metal blade with that design). ![enter image description here](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130914111402/warframe/images/f/f0/Kama.png "enter image title here") **Fragment Ability**: Lucaris' "Instrument" carries no offensive abilities, and does not expel any sort of long range magic. However due to the fragment's thirst for blood whenever the weapon is covered in blood the weapon will absorb it and repair any damage done to the blade or handle. While it is possible for the Kama to regenerate and repair any damage done to it, it is impossible for it to become any sharper or harder than it already is. **Fragment Personality**: This no-name fragment has an unsatable blood lust and extreme malevolence towards anything that breaths. Almost constantly the fragment's personality will clash with Lucaris' own. While Lucaris values life, the fragment wants nothing more than to be showered in blood. **Fragment Influence**: As previously stated Lucaris and the fragment have extremely different personalities. Because of the fragment's constant pleas for blood and cries of rage, Lucaris' Demon essence will sometimes react to the fragment and attempt to destroy the harmony of essence that rests within Lucaris. Ever so slowly Lucaris' own sanity is being eaten away. One sliver at a time is destroyed as he attempts to silence his fragment. **Personality**: Will show IC. **Biography**: Lucaris has lived his entire life with his parents in the solitary home deep within a forest that borders a small village scarred from past nightmares. His parents were lovers who met under various circumstances not long ago. Their pairing is not one to be expected as Lucaris' mother was once a grand angel of great power who had Fallen, and his father was nothing but a Surface Demon that the humans called "Werewolves". The place they had chosen to call home was perfect because of the village's past. Nobody would ever dare set foot into the forest for fear of being abducted by some demon. Little did they know the area had been wiped clean of all Surface Demons long ago. Under impossible circumstances Lucaris was born. The fall of Hell's Gates didn't just change the balance of Essence. It began to change the very rules of nature itself as its extreme influence ravaged the very makings of nature. Lucaris doesn’t know just how amazing, and potentially terrifying, his existence is to the rest of the world.