> Well, if Ruko ever managed to get her heart back it would feel like a dream. Or a really bad nightmare. But we shouldn't worry about that at the moment. The important thing for characters to focus on is regaining their memories. Though, for Gail it is less regaining them and more clarifying them. They have almost always been fuzzy to her so her goal is to figure out the specifics of her memory. Yeah, that's what I figured. We'll see if she ends up getting it back or not... Too early to tell. Memories are more important to think about as of now, that's correct. Though if it was for the better, or worse, is up to each specific individual. You never truly know what might have happened, until it all becomes clear. Kinda scary, really. > Awww, y'all flatter me. > > -blushes > > But seriously, I'm very eager to see where this goes. :D Credit where it's due, y'know. I have faith this roleplay will go places, and it's exciting to think about just how far it could go. Only time will tell.