####**Name:** Fionn Macgorm ####**Age:** 16 ####**Village:** Oberur (A village famous for its alcohol and distilled goods, it is located in a more southern location) ####**Appearance:** Fionn is a tall but skinny man. He stands at 6'2 with long limbs and a strong bone structure. His skin is a sort of light olive that tans in the summer. His hair is chin length with a dark auburn colour to it. Despite his somewhat lanky appearance his strength is quite considerable, being one of his merits. He has an old battered woollen coat which he is seen wearing the majority of the time, it being one of the few things left over after his parents death. ####**Bio:** Fionn's parents were murdered by bandits whilst they were travelling with him by carriage to do trade in Oberur. They had been travelling merchants their whole lives and had intended for Fionn to be raised into the trade as well, little did they know fate had much different plans for the boy. After being found in the back of the cart by the bandits they discussed what his fate should be, spending nearly an hour arguing amongst themselves before coming to a decision. The boy would be useful as extra help with labour, and maybe someday as a bandit himself. This was his life for a few years as he stayed with the outlaws in their hideout just outside of the town he was born in. As he grew older his responsibilities grew too. Now helping the bandits to collect their rightfully earned "protection money" from the oh so greedy shopkeepers in town. ####**Personality:** Fionn is comedy relief personified, always willing to crack a joke even if at the expense of others. He is good at working with others but only when necessary, preferring to be his own leader rather than to be lead. He is quite intelligent despite his upbringing, being able to come up with plans and strategies on his feet. However due to his upbringing he is not the most academically smart, having very little knowledge of things beyond his bubble at grasp. In a tense situation Fionn can be brash and bold at the worst, or calm and calculating at the best. He feels compassion for others but just doesn't know what is and isn't socially acceptable. This, naturally, brings about awkward situations. He often feels guilt for his actions but is very bad at articulating the way he truly feels about things, feeling it easier to simply laugh his problems away even if they eat away at him. You could describe his personality as "Annoying but charming". ####**Other:** Fionn is missing his left ear, it was lobbed off sloppily in a fight. He is also somewhat of an Alcoholic, willing to down anything fermented on contact.