(Do be aware that Sloth knows fuck-all about architecture and how windows work, he apologizes for general stupidity.) You'd be surprised just how easy it is to sneak into a metropolitan airport under a fake name. Sure, Jason Todd was never legally declared deceased, but why ruin the surprise? Just because Bruce decided to take a night off from beating the piss out of Gotham City ne'er-do-wells didn't mean he wouldn't be sitting at the Batcomputer (illegally) checking the records for any "notable arrivals", which was to say any drug kingpins or child slavers. Gotham did tend to attract the best. In fact, an international fugitive with fifty known kills was probably just another Wednesday. So, for the sake of drama, "Robbie Malone" was Gotham's newest visitor. It was a surreal feeling to be walking the streets of his childhood home again. Four years had passed, yet Gotham herself didn't seem to have aged a day. Christmas Eve, and you could still hear police sirens and burglaries in progress all around. If he didn't know better, Jason could even say he felt nostalgic. The man in question dug his hands a little deeper into the pockets of his leather jacket when a particularly unforgiving gust of wind hit him square in the face. He wasn't particularly well dressed for a Gotham winter, a simple red hoodie over a T-shirt and under aforementioned jacket, and the way Gotham was around Christmas, three layers might as well be one. Jason decided to forego checking up on his safe-house in the Narrows and made his way directly to Cape Central, otherwise known as Wayne Manor. After all, expecting Bruce not to have found the place by now was foolish, and besides, this "party" would be as good a chance as any to see all of the old 'crew' in the same place at the same time without having to tell everyone he was in town and potentially risk being hauled off to Blackgate or something. If there was one thing that could always be said about Bruce Wayne, it was that he always kept his Manor in tip top shape. Granted the former Boy Wonder was currently in the backyard rather than walking up the immaculately snow deprived driveway. The grounds of Wayne Manor always felt like some kind of miniature country when Jason had lived here, and it was still halfway true to this day, considering the large fence he had to parkour his way over in order to get in. Jason didn't particularly bother to be stealthy, lack of proper equipment aside, hacking into the security cameras was an inconvenience he'd rather not deal with, and the front door was so cliché. Making his way to a rather large window on the manor's west end, a few memories flooded his head as he fiddled with the handle. _Come on, it hasn't been that long...all you had to do was jiggle it a little bit to the-perfect_. Jason gave himself a theoretical pat on the back when he heard the latch open and the millions of silent alarms that probably had his former mentor clamoring for the nearest Batarang. Sliding his way into his old bedroom, Jason gave himself a moment to breathe it all in. Everything was as he remembered it, give or take a lot of dust. Jason closed the window behind him before gingerly making his way for the ancient oak door. "Bruce really should change the lock on that thing."