"Perfect." Beck marvelled at the culinary wonder in front of him: a sandwich of his own design. A perfect blend of just-cooked flavorful bacon, crisp lettuce, and farm-fresh tomato slices, all on a perfectly-toasted rye bun. It was beautiful. And it was all his. He set it on a plate with chips, and started making his way to the lounge to enjoy his creation. Seeing Killian and the new recruits in the hall, he stopped to check in. "Hey, Killian. Newbies." He nodded to both parties as he addressed them. He didn't mean any disrespect to the recruits, but he honestly couldn't remember their names at the moment. The faces were familiar, sure, but Beck was never really the type to learn names quickly. He looked at the girl with the red glasses. Donna?.. Delilah? Definitely started with a D, but it didn't matter. "So," he started, flashing a smile and flicking a stray lock of hair back into place, "what's goin' on?"