Thisa returned the programmer's smile, with the same amount of warmth it was to be a great partnership for sure. She was starting to like this guy, he may have came off odd at first but as she interacted with him more it was starting to became clear that he's just like anyone else. "Oh by the way, you can just call me Thisa, Ms sounds too proper when its just us students, I'm not one for formalities like that besides it make me feel old." Thisa chuckled, "That said I look forward to working with you, you come off as a good and intelligent person, I can respect that." Thisa looked over at Harold's laptop curious on what he was doing, he was typing something earlier before the playboy got slapped. "What are you up to anyway? Kind of what to see what it is." She moved closer to the screen... and unintentionally closer the Harold.