Poppy mulled the idea in her head and swirled her tongue in her mouth, as if she were testing and tasting the idea. It couldn’t hurt? She would just have to remember to be wary, right? Surely, the manipulation wouldn’t be…as hard to spot? Still, if she ever doubted herself, she would just need to go to that Louise girl, right? Yeah, that would do. “Okay.” Poppy finally said, sticking out her hand and shaking it roughly. It was such a surprise in how much they differed, but it all seemed to be summed up in their hands. Henrietta’s was soft and small, dainty, while Poppy’s, while not large, was calloused and rough with a mean handshake. Still, Poppy had to hand it to her. Even after all the rejection, she still smiled like that. It was kind of endearing, she guessed. A good trait to have, one that Poppy certainly didn’t obtain. Poppy couldn’t help smiling lopsidedly and ran a hand through her short blonde hair.