Fitch smiled as he sat against the wall for a little bit, getting a small break from the party as the others all latched on to Yari. Yuna had joined Luna as they talked about their 'girls' night out' and Nero rested beside the sandy-blond haired boy, his hands in his pockets. His voice was low, but a small smirk rested on his face, "Those rings aren't for stat boosts, Fitch," He stated flatly. "I've yet to see any that look like those - despite how basic they are... When did you two tie the knot?" The younger boy asked, looking up slightly to his friend. Fitch looked shocked for a moment before laughing. "You're observant... Today," He answered, his eyes moving back to the party, resting on the girl in her white dress, seeming to be lost in thought for a moment, a wistful smile playing at his lips. They had yet to tell anybody, and as badly as they wanted to, the two were wary of upsetting Suto. The relationship had been a secret for nearly two years when they entered the game. For a moment, Yari looked over to him and he smiled, gave her a nod, and pushed from the wall, moving to join the group again. However, from the corner of his eye, he spotted the door opening and shutting behind a black figure... Why was Kenshin heading out? Then again, air sounded wonderful, so Fitch approached Yari and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm heading out for a few, I'll be back," He stated; consequently, the girl nodded and beamed at him before Suto gave her yet another hug and she had to remind him that alcohol in Aincrad didn't actually have any true effect. The shield-user left the pub and caught sight of Kenshin some way up the road. The salty sea air brushed over him and he smiled softly... This floor would always hold a special place in his heart; although it was nothing like his home, he couldn't fathom being with Yari anywhere else. For a moment, lost in his own thoughts, Fitch had forgotten why he left the bar in the first place; however, he heard Kenshin's voice and the voice of a girl as they spoke and he blinked, turning his head again. He was maintaining a safe distance as to not be found, but the sight was so curious... Kenshin knew somebody here? The girl was wearing rather heavy armour and was using a scythe - an uncommon weapon choice due to its poor speed and its status as a two-handed weapon. However, he vaguely remembered seeing a player who was swinging one on one of the boss fights. Aincrad, despite its size, often seems to be such a small world... Fitch let them have their moment, simply observing with a small smirk on his face. He had rarely seen Kenshin show so much emotion, so once Alphard left, Fitch was quick to take a seat beside his friend. There was silence for a bit, but he wasn't going to just let the other boy go - they could all meet Alphard when it wasn't so late. Finally, he gave a small laugh and looked over to Kenshin, "So, who is she?" He asked without thinking. To be honest, he had never really cared for the view that speaking about real life was rude - how else would you really get to know people? ---- After Fitch had left, Nero waited for the party to continue slowing down before he walked up to Suto and placed a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, let's leave the girls to do whatever they like. You're the party animal, let's see if we can't plan our own guys' night out," He suggested, smiling to Yuna. "I'll see you later, Yuna," He told her. The girl smiled and blushed, her face turning to a very hot red as he pecked her cheek and began to pull Suto out of the pub with him. Yuna sat in silence for a few moments, biting her lip before clapping her hands together. "Okay! So... Uhm... What are we going to do?" She asked, looking to Luna. She hadn't really thought of it and wasn't used to being a leader. Yari perked up a bit, seeming to have spaced out for a short bit. "Oh, right. Yeah, Luna, what did you have in mind?" She asked sweetly.