![](http://rsmg.pbsrc.com/albums/v373/Mercury_Knight/Anime%20Guys/guys52.jpg~320x480) Name: Simon Caillot Race: Human Age: 23 Alignment:Luminous Knights Personality: Playful and Jolly but always serious when in battle. Even though he doesn't give of a serious impersion about his job he does take it seriously. Bio: When Simon was 5 a terrible forest fire started in the woods he lived in. It died down a few hours later. Simon survived but his parents died trying to protect him. With the survival skills his dad taught him before his death ,Simon lived in the woods for the next couple of years. He was doing okay until he crossed paths with a bear who looked very starred. Before the bear could reach him it was cut down by a man wearing armor. Simon starred in oh when the bear fell to hits knees in defeat. The knight asked Simon why he was out in the woods on his lonesome and Simon told him his story. The knight understood and decided to take Simon in as his adoptive son. Simon surname was soon changed to Caillot and he decided to follow in his adoptive father's footsteps as a knight. When he turned 16 his father gifted him his first bladed weapon Xerxes. Initial spells/techniques: **Xerxes Assult**:Simon makes a giant blow against the ground, causing massive airwaves or rocks to strike enemies. **Xerxes Mallot**:Simon jumps up into the air really high and then strikes down hard from above. **Xerxes Wind Up Flash**:Simon lunges toward the enemy using a very powerful twist of the body doing a sideways slash. **Xerxes Rush**: Simon charges at the enemy using multiple slashes against them. **Xerxes Citadel**: This is an ability welded into the sword that allows it to absorb or redirect magical energy. Skills: •Hunting •Acceracy •Fast reflexes •Well trained in combat Combat strategy: In the beginning of a one on one battle Simon would usually be on the defensive until he gets enough information about the oppents attacking strategy. When fighting an out numbering group of oppents he would rotate is whole body to guard his blind spot and attack. Unique equipment: •Xerxes- Simon's sword. Its just a normal blade build in a odd shape. Simon believes its the most perfect defensive and offensive weapon to weld in battle. It is also very special to Simon because it was given to him by his father.