**Levi & Seth - Ayero** **~Ladyl Woods~** As Seth made his way into the caves, Levi quietly followed the human, quietly stalking up to the entrance of the cavern. And that's when she heard it. The cries of the children sent shivers down her spine. She had no idea what the bird pokemon wanted with the children, but it couldn't be anything good. If it was hungry, then why take human children? Couldn't it just hunt like normal pokemon did? She supposed it didn't matter what it's reason was. Taking children, human or morph, from their home was despicable. She hadn't seen what the creature was - even her sight that allowed her to see through solid objects couldn't tell what the creature actually was. All she knew, it was big and it flew, which meant she could easily deal with it for her. But this human...wouldn't stand a chance by himself. Not to mention, there was a high chance he would hurt a child with one of those arrows of his. All he could do was hear them, however.... The large Luxray morph disregarded her own instincts as she walked into the cave, her eyes still gleaming a bright gold as she took in the surroundings. She stopped right by Seth, and gave him a rather impatient look before turning back to the depths of the cave. With her head, she made a motion that seemed to say 'if you want to, follow'. Irregardless of whether he actually did, she began to walk further into the cave, her eyes easily adjusting to the darkness. If he didn't follow, she would take care of the bird herself. Those children were in danger, and she couldn't let herself stand idly by out of her own hate for the humans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Fang and company approached the manor, several people from the village cheerily greeted the travelers. Some of the pokemon walking about though seemed wary of them, but for the most part left them alone. A frigid air blew as they walked, the fires scattered around the village threatening to be blow out, but they endured. However, their advance would come to a halt as they reached the gate of the manor. Four guards stood watch, two on each side of the large, ornate gate. **"Halt."** One of them said, blocking their way forward by moving in front of the gate. **"What business do you have with lord Cyrus?"**