Bumping this with a reminder that I am the worst human being ever, and sometimes life just becomes too difficult and I disappear and don't talk to anybody for months; that, even if I'm not in a horrible spot and am present in the world, I reply rather inconsistently and may reply once a day or more for every game I'm writing sometimes and then can maybe only reply to one game 5/8 of the way through every lunar cycle for half a year and then spit out fifty replies for others in a day; and that I write A LOT --Seriously, it's difficult for me to write something with LESS than 3,000 words. Also, I pre-plan like crazy and cannot start a game without having gone over loads of details with you. I tend to build characters specific for each game. If not, I tailor old ones who'll fit. I never come into an idea with a pre-set pairing or gender or type in my mind, I prefer to find who will best fit AFTER I've started developing a story idea. That being said, I do have a ton of characters in my mind that I've already developed and would love to play, but first I gotta find the right story for them. And, at the moment, most of the ones present in my mind are female. AND another note: I can be both the absolute best and worst friend ever, if I'm not too afraid to talk to you when I'm struggling, so if you wanna write with me you might need to prepare yourself for me apologizing all the damn time and telling you about all the horrible things around me. I am always here to talk if someone wants to, but I will always be here talking to those who will listen. So if my constant PMing you or chattiness ooc and rather self-deprecating and clingy behavior aren't something you can handle, I'm sorry. I won't turn you away, but you might not want to try with me. In short, I may, like, never actually be here and I'm picky and stubborn and rambley and clingy, but please consider writing with me!