### Before: Nero had buried his parents bones the day before, now he supposed was the day for him to start off. He walked out of his house and looked around the familiar falling apart walls, then smiled waving goodbye as he walked down the path that ran from his house . After a certain way he would have lost the way had he not memorized the map, because that was as far as he had ever gone and cleared out before. He knew that he had been clearing an old path, had cobblestone under the brush and it was easier to penetrate then anywhere else. When he reached that spot he breathed in and activated the Shadow stance, allowing him to pass far easir through the brush as he cut it with his ferocity. ### Misala: When he was done he reached an abandoned town and, exhausted from the use of mana, he fell asleep in one of the dilapidated shacks that made it up. When he woke up he found himself among a bunch of people and, struck speechless, he observed them for a while. Then after a long time of this a loud thunderclap startled him, and the robed man appeared. He stepped forword and sat at the table with everyone else, and apon seeing the map he realized where they were going. ### Bandits: Before he could contemplate the fact that this group was going to one of the places that was so praised in his grandfather's wrightings, a band of bandits attacked. He understood the words they spoke because of his readings of the multitude of action adventure novels in his collection. Along with everyone else he drew his blade to fight, and in the frey he moved into the gods stance. First he drew the God Sigel in the air, seemingly oblivious to the battle, then he struck the ground with his sword. When he drew the blade from the ground his eyes glowed white and he moved into battle. He fought with a precision of inhuman proportion, bearly noticing the hellfire that burned around him. He struck down several enemies, and the battle was over. ### Paladins: When the other group of aggressors came Nero was ready to again draw his blade, but he smiled slightly when he found it unnecessary. He took one of the pouches of gold, it seemed to be a ritual for those who wished to go with the man. Unsure what to do with the money he put it in his pouch with his books and journal, and promptly forgot about it. He knew of currency, but it seemed unnecessary to him. After all, food appears on the table when your hungry. He had a bit of gold he had found in his routing around the manor, in case he needed it. one hundred small golden things neatly separated into pouches of ten. All marked with a date that was far older then any on the ones he had just gotten. ### After: Nero was unsure what he should do so he moved up to speak with the head party. In the center was the one who had been made leader, so he decided to great him the way a soldier did in his books. Bowing low he grinned slightly then stoped straight, moving his blade into his hand. "Sir, I am Nero of the manor and I am a part of your merry band. I have a working knowledge of the country, and my spellsword skills are top notch. What would you have me do?"