**_Astrid_** Astrid stood for a minute in the doorway. She was still trying to compute what had just happened in her mind, but whatever boost it had given her had released all the built up stress she had accumulated since that morning. No longer was she worried about the explosions, how she survived, or even the fact that she had just walked down the hallway naked. She was so focused its like her mind was in hyper drive. Her higher mind quickly came to the conclusion that these events, these somehow random explosions, weren't random. They were linked. To her. Grinning to herself at the thought she stepped forward into the apartment and headed towards her room. The apartment was set up with a hallway connecting to a lounging room slash kitchen and two single rooms on either side of the hallway. Nicole lived in the room on the right, while Astrid had claimed the left room. Left was right and right was wrong as they said. Sliding into her room quietly she put some new clothes on. Hopefully whatever was wrong with her wouldn't burn them off for a little while. This power? It was a little out of hand, and Astrid was determined to get her hand wrapped around it's throat and show it who was boss. Explosions are not a good thing to wake up to every morning. Striding back down the hall with a pair of ripped up jeans and a black tang top, she immediately stopped at the fridge. She was starving. Like the hadn't eaten in the passed week or two. Yanking it open quickly, glared inside, and began scooping things into her arms. Bread, salami, a banana, yogurt, left over steak, some chicken nuggets. She piled everything on the counter and began scooping it into her mouth. "Dear lord, i'm so fucking hungry." she murmured to herself around the food in her mouth. Picking up her phone she selected a number on her phone and called it up. It rang once then twice and Astrid began to tap her foot with impatience. "Fuck, come on Nicole pick up the goddamn phone."