The date was May 15th, 1972 Reports from numerous doctors and hospitals around the world started to pour into health organizations about strange and new mutations occurring in young men and women. The symptoms were varied and all brought fear to those who knew but didn't understand. In an emergency meeting held deep within the secret coves of Washington DC. President Richard Nixon met with top members in the CIA, FBI, Health Organizations, and other top experts to discuss the matters. What followed was a long, intense discussion over what to do with what was now being referred to as 'the X-gene'. Finally top genetics scientist Dr. Charles Xavier, alongside Dr. Hank McCoy. Came up with a solution, the world might be prepared to except such people with powers, but the possibility of it was realistically slim to not at all possible. Thus using a new program known as Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, shortened into the acronym S.H.I.E.L.D. A program could be established which would essentially work behind the scenes and away from the public. Helping control those with these powers while keeping them out of the public's attention or knowledge. While just about all in attendance liked the idea, one man very much opposed the plan. Erik Lehnsherr, a man who at a very young age survived the holocaust and at this point a close associate of Xavier's. Felt that mutants shouldn't have to hide themselves from the public just because of something that wasn't their fault. If anything, mutants should be embraced, revered. His strong opinions and an already tense atmosphere lead to issues and after an incident that is closely classified. Erik Lehnsherr has gone missing and not seen since. When the program began, known simply as “Project X-Men”. The first five people brought in were Scott Summers, Jeanne Gray, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III, and Dr. Hank McCoy as an advisor and head of the science and research department. Slowly as time passed the organization grew and blossomed. What once was a single group of a few trained agents has become a world wide network of organizations around the world each holding the same task of helping fellow mutants while ensuring secrecy from the public. The original four agents have all since retired from active work and now either handle administrative work in the organization's HQ, head up training divisions, or have retired peacefully. As 2015 begins, Project: X-Men starts a new chapter as young agents finish their training in hand-to-hand combat, power control, firearm usage, automotive driving, and other courses. They will begin handling assignments in areas around North and South America. However, Project: X-Men's one naysayer from so long ago is planning to return, and he's bringing madness and anarchy with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Yeah I'll take a baconzilla value meal, with a cola to drink and the curly fries. Extra sauce with those fries.” “That will be 9.96 at the next window please sir.” “Bleedin' ell they running out of pigs to kill around here or something?” Pietro Maximoff was running fashionably late to work, again. You couldn't tell with him at the drive-thru of a nearby fast food place. Quietly tapping the top of his car's steering wheel as the cars ahead of him slowly got and paid for their food. Still considering the amount of times Pietro made it a goal to show up fashionably late. The higher ups have basically given up on getting him to show up when he was suppose too, as there wasn't a fine or punishment that would get him to stop. “Here's your food.” “Hmm, thank you love.” “I like your accent...” “Thanks.” Pietro chuckled as he left the drive-thru and back onto the main road. Nice try sweetheart, his never been desperate enough to hook up with some broad at a fast food place. Pietro drove through the city streets of Washington DC. Periodically picking through his bag of food for the occasional fry. Such was another day in the life of the mutant that life was made to forget. Sweep under the rug of society for something he didn't have any say in. Frankly though, Pietro wouldn't have it any other way. As he pulled up into the massive parking lot of the pentagon. Pietro quietly killed the engine of his car. Strolling out with food in hand as he made his way in. Using the numerous eye scanners, secret lifts, and other various security booths to make his way into the base for Project: X-Men which existed some feet underground. It was always an interesting sight when coming in. Seeing some giant pink blob with skeletal systems and organs carrying a vast amount of filled and lidded coffee cups. An Altantian scurrying past a Kree warrior and normal looking scientist looking like they were having a chat of the Premier League scores from the night before. Leaving Pietro the perfect timing as he walked past to give the both of them his single thought on the topic manner with a “Fuck Man U!” As Pietro strolled past the research and developments lab. A vast system of anything you can imagine involving science, along with other things varying from the normal to the bizarre even for people who work here. Pietro peeked in noticing how the place seemed unusually quiet barred for one man who was clearly sleeping at his computer using the keyboard as a makeshift pillow. Shaking his head Pietro gave the plexiglass window between him and the room a good slam with an closed fist before continuing on to his personally appointed office. Causing Dr. Nathan Richards to shoot up from his chair, keyboard grooves completely indented in his face. “UGH I WASN'T KISSING THE PENGUIN SANTA!” Nathan Richards declared as he was shocked out his sleep. Finally realizing where he was as he shook his head. Letting his face reform perfectly. Nathan Richards quietly groaned as he rubbed his face in his fingertips. All of its features contorting and squishing around before snapping back to normal as Nathan sighed. Finally realizing he had dozed off from the night before while working on his revisionist of the impulse laser system. A means of halting any guilty fiends without causing any physical harm to them. When the AI based computer tests of the theory were put into work, the laser only worked in causing the target to merely explode. Which isn't quite what they were looking for out of the system. Impressive as it is to see a human spine get crumbled and desiccated so beautifully unique in its horrifying gore. As Nathan sighed a bit to himself, he got up from the chair, realizing he was going to need to get out of the lab for a bit before his brain turned to mush.