Sable clenched her teeth as the Princess brought her face dangerously close to her own. Seeing that arrogant look etched on the royal’s features, Sable wanted nothing more than to claw out at that face. However, when their eyes connected, the assassin saw such a stark killing urge within those orbs. It was intriguing…and horrifying all at once. Suddenly Sable felt sick and she struggled to turn away from Titania at once, realizing in her plight that she was still bound. She did not suppress the shudder that passed through her body this time, giving the Princess some satisfaction in her imprisonment. However, it was not Titania’s words or threats that made her shiver. The malicious intent found in Titania’s gaze…was the very same one found in Sable’s blank eyes whenever she was on the hunt. The similarities were haunting indeed to the young assassin. _“Anyway, I just don’t understand why someone who could have easily escaped unscathed from this life would choose it over a better one. What happened to you? Did you hit your head? Mother drop you perhaps..?” _ “That’s not-” She was cut off by the arrival of a servant and even she flinched when Titania suddenly began barking at the poor man. Trembling before her, the man gave his news before swiftly departing away from the dungeons. All the while, Sable looked on in shocked-induced silence. Queen? This girl was queen now? This psychotic, sadistic, waste of a human soul was… _“That old man. You would have liked him, I think. You two were similar. Both naive fools, but with good intentions. Well now you know where that gets you, right? Dead. What a pity. Don’t you think it’s a pity that I’m in power and you’re not? Don’t you think it’s a pity that the world isn’t fair? Don’t you think it’s a pity that people like me live and people like you die?”_ Biting her lip, Sable narrowed her eyes to uphold her defiance; though even she had to feel a little despair at the sheer unfairness of it all. “Stop it,” she whispered harshly. “Just stop it…I already know this world is cruel, and I never expected to survive this long anyway. Just…what are you trying to tell me here?” There was a small sliver of desperation in her voice now.