**Aleida and Tidal - Ayero - Ladyl Woods** Flying was one of the many pleasure Aleida did not experience often. The feeling of air whipping at her face, messing up her hair, the weightlessness, the view, everything just filled her with a sense of jolliness that could not be contained. Her smile was wide, and her momentary worries had been lost with the wind (pun intended). That was, until she felt _it_, the unmistakable feeling of rage. Belle cried out and dove down, and Aleida, whose smile had fallen, lowered herself down and clung tightly to the Pidgeot's feathers. Tidal curled close to Aleida's waist, eyes closed tightly as the whistling of wind filled his ears and whitened his mind. To tell the truth, he was terrified. Sitting on the back of this Pidgeot that he still had some trouble trusting, ten thousand feet in the air, next to Rayqueza of all Pokemon, was making his heart pound heavily. And now, with Aleida's sudden tenseness, he couldn't feel anything but worry. Belle landed just to the side of a rather large opening, and with the wind out of her ears she could instantly hear the sobs of children, and the yells of Seth. Sebastian was already running to the side of the entrance, drawing an arrow, eyes narrowed with concentration, and Aleida stared at him blankly. Her eyes were wide, head tilted slightly towards the sound of the screaming children. Her head felt warm suddenly, cheek burning with what was it, what was it? Rage. _I'm easily influenced, right, right..._ She slipped down from Belle's back, ignoring the confused sounds of Tidal as she pull the fishing rod from her back. Her foot steps were slow and wobbling at first, eyes blankly staring forward. She froze just before the cave, glancing in once. Seth and a rather large Luxray were present. The bird Pokemon was next to be seen, hidden by the shade of the cavern, and finally, the children. The children, who were crying and screaming from fear. The Pokemon, whatever it was, was turning slowly away from the wailing kids, focusing first on the arrow that had caught its attention and then the Luxray and small human that had dared cross it. Yellow eyes gleamed from the darkness, but instead of rushing forward to follow Seth out of the cave it threw forward an attack. Wings half-spread, unable to fully open due to the cavern walls, and a slash of wind flew towards Levi and Seth quickly. "Heads up!" The phrase fell from her lips like acid. The crying of the children, the tension of the cave, the rage, Aleida felt it all, and it was effecting her in a very obvious manner. Her eyes were narrowed and dark, teeth bared in a sneer, and her usually pacifistic ways were lost as she prepared to take the beast head on. The slash of wind struck both her fishing rod and her, the thick wood of the rod just barely saving her from more intense wounds. Blood spurted from cuts on her upper arms, and the fishing rod gained a new deep gash, but still refused to break. Aleida hissed in pain, but did not falter, instead glaring up at the bird Pokemon with intense eyes. Her arms rose slowly, shakily, and began spinning the fishing rod in a circle, allowing the weighted thread to gain some speed for an attack, and then, with the flick of her wrist she let the weight fly. As soon as it connected with the Pokemon, though, the sound of metal on metal filled the cave. Her eyebrows hitched upwards for a moment as she realized finally what is was, but they fell again as she took a step back, a sheepish yet angry smile claiming her lips. She pulled the rod back, ignoring the fact that the weight was currently scrapping against the too close walls, and laughed oh so quietly, "We're lucky, huh?" She glanced at the Luxray, eyes shadowed by her hair, "got the perfect Pokemon to go against a Skarmory, care to help us?" The Skarmory shrieked as its name was uttered, charging head first towards those remaining in the cave. Aleida dropped down, just barely dodging one of the half-opened, razor sharp wings, and instead of turning to follow the metallic bird ran deeper into the cave, eyes still dark with anger. The children, still sobbing, backed away at the sight of her initially, eyeing her bloodied arms and over all odd appearance, but after she forced a kind, kind smile and slowly rose her arms to hug them they ran forward, sobbing into her chest and shoulders. Meanwhile, the Skarmory was finally outside of the cave, wings finally unfolded fully. It released another shriek, eyes crazed with rage and body trembling, and after another quick yell is flew up, sending a flurry of steel feathers down on those outside of the cave. The attack was scattered heavily, a clear sign that the Steel/Flying type was not in a safe state of mind. Tidal dodged easily and countered with an Aurora Beam, which managed to stun the Skarmory for a moment or two, giving the others a chance to attack.