![enter image description here](http://i60.tinypic.com/t0kwhc.png) ![enter image description here](http://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/AlyshaKay.gif) Are you an apex predator? [OOC HERE](https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75523/posts/ooc) --- Andrew Detmer is dead. The world was not ready for these beings of supernatural capabilities and these misfortunate teens were not ready to receive such power. It has been five years since that event was captured on the news and that footage has since been classified but never forgotten. The crystal has not been discovered and even after digging up the sight it first appeared at, it had mysteriously vanished. --- **OOC:** A random group of college students studying abroad in Caomhanach Ireland will stumble upon a mysterious sink hole near a castle during a bash. This is the second to last day before they will leave to go back home to their University in Dempsey New York. With curiosity they will enter to find a blue molecule shaped crystal that begins to glow red and propels them out from where they entered. The following day strange things begin happening to them. They begin to ascend into something supernatural and experience bizarre abilities that they've only seen in movies or read about in books. --- **Magic:** Nothing like necromancy is allowed. Psychic abilities only but characters will learn to enhance their power in unique ways. Your character’s personality or deep seated emotions can depict what abilities they develop but all characters start with telekinesis. --- **More Info:** 1. This is a sandbox style with loose plot. I figure cops or scientists will be after our characters later in the game but we will each contribute to side-stories 2. Character driven. 3. Morality to be tested and sides will be taken; Good or Evil. 4. Friendships will be tried and some may turn on each other. 5. Freeform: Everyone controls the story. This means that we all depict what happens. Basically anything is allowed and it will not interfere with the plot. So if anyone has questions or suggestions they should be discussed in the OOC so we can decide together as a group. 6. Mature based rp. 7. Caomhanach & Dempsey are not real places so you are welcome to have creative freedom when coming up with places of interest. 8. If enough show interest I'll create a cs & the ooc. Anyone interested, have questions, or suggestions?