Everything around Terra was moving to fast. The situation had escalated quickly. Thankfully both the unnerving blue eyed man and the 'conduit' (whatever that was) had backed off quite a distance along with another man that looked disturbingly like he made of stone or else had contracted an unpleasant skin disease. Terra didn't have time to worry about them though. At present they were merely another threat Terra didn't have to deal with at the present time. Her main concern at the moment was the heavy set northerner who upon receiving a mild burn from here fire had seemed all of a sudden to realize that she actually could hurt him. It had taken an enormous amount of time for that one piece of information to penetrate his thick head but now that it had the heavy man seemed to take her seriously. He took three steps back picking up the Magitech weapon and took aim. Terra didn't have time to prepare a defense. She didn't have time to notice a bright green flash of code causing the desert dressed man to vanish and a girl to replace him. All Terra had time to register was the PWEW, PWEW, PWEW of the Magitech weapon firing. The first bullet was badly aimed slicing through her arm above the elbow. She could feel the metal lodge itself in her flesh and the blood start to run free. Her inflammation protection, reacting to her pain and stress, roared up the hottest it had ever been. So hot that Terra herself could feel the heat though it did not burn her. The next bullets that came for her were better aimed, they targeted her abdominal area but the flames surrounding her were now so hot that the bullets melted upon getting too close splattering Terra's stomach with small amounts if molten lead burning through her cloths. Terra gave a strangled cry that strangely enough was accompanied by one from the heavy set man. The flames died around Terra, the bullet in her arm seemed to have sapped her strength, Terra vision was blurry but she saw a woman dressed in royal gold standing with a whip wrapped around her attacker’s throat. The scene shifted in and out of focus as Terra stumbled forward landing on her knees in front if the woman that saved her. Terra's stomach burned and her arm was inflamed, she managed to look up at her savior. "Thank you." Terra managed before the ground started to spin towards her and she collapsed upon it.