His mind was racing still he nodded his head " I know there was no possible way for me to know but still so many innocent people I killed during the rebellion". Bur'nak slowly calmed down listening to her " I don't know who the lord is the royal blood line could have been killed off but there has to be records of the attack either in Creeds library or even your fathers." " It's possible that there are even rebel survivors I might have to look into it". He was still shaking. He felt her take his hands in hers and listened He took a deep breath and slowly let it out he steady his mind and nerves. " sorry it was just a shock to the system I still feel guilt but there isn't much I can do now but find out what really happened but now more than ever I need to bring creed down." I think we should still go on with the plan we inform both parties of the others weakness. Give the messages to the people we want to save they leave. We then leave to regroup and hopefully I will have gained some information, on what happened to the werewolf lord or the rebel Remanence." " We should also tell creed and your father to attack on the same day and have them send their troops two different ways so they won't run into each other. That will leave both places almost defenseless. Then if we find the werewolf rebels we gather them maybe even try to find your mother and other vampire outcast. We gather them and make our own army that goes in behind creeds army and your fathers and wipes out them. We take rule of the kingdoms unless the werewolf lord is alive then I will be at your side to protect you. how does that sound?"