Hope this is alright! ovo > Name: Joanna Finley >Age: 20 >Gender: Female >Appearance: Joanna is tall and lean, coming in at around 5’8” and 130lbs. She was often teased for being too boney or too skinny, but she mostly shrugged off the criticism. Her white-blonde hair ends in a more grown out bob just above her shoulders, though her bangs are cut a bit above her eyebrows. She has a straight nose, brown eyes, and small lips. Some of her friends like to say that her long lost celebrity twin is Krysten Ritter, though Joanna says they’re full of shit. >She has a mole under her right eye and a septum piercing, thick eyebrows and a penchant for wearing bright lipsticks. She often wears simple black clothes and is never seen without the opal ring she wears on her middle finger. >Personality: Joanna goes by ‘Jo’ to most people and introduces herself as such. She’s often quiet, but is far from shy, simply reserving her voice for when she has something of importance to say. She tends to be overly caring and is the ‘mother’ of her friend group, though her stand-offish air and permanent resting bitch-face intimidates people at first. Joanna loves caring for plants and owns a cat that she adores. She smokes irregularly, usually only when she’s stressed out. >She tends to be rather impatient and temperamental and is unafraid from being bluntly honest towards people, but can become rather harsh if she gets mad. A lot of people have criticized her for being ‘too vocal’ with her feelings, though she thinks that it’s better to be honest and to make one’s feelings known instead of bottling everything up inside. >Brief Biography: Joanna grew up rather quietly and was raised by her older sister, Meredith. Their parents were rather neglectful and apathetic about their daughters, so Meredith took Joanna in as soon as she turned eighteen and could provide for her younger sister. Joanna did well in school and excelled in the arts. She didn’t go to college, preferring to work simple jobs and do what she wanted on her own time. >She never had interest in dating around when she was in high school, seeing how her parents had turned out, she wanted to avoid even the possibility of bringing an unhappy child into the world. Secretly she has a huge fear of commitment and becoming stuck in a cyclical lifestyle. She itches to move around, but stays at home with her sister to be close to her only family member. >Relationship W/ Parent/Guardian: Joanna has an extremely close relationship with her sister, Meredith. Though they often had their spats, they were always best friends and confided everything in each other. The only reason Joanna stays in her home town is so that she can be with her sister. >Virtue: Temperance >Number: