###[Chiaki Nettu - Warakuma Shopping Complex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsLTvs2IBp4) Drink bottle in hand, Chiaki took a few sips, and returned it into her handbag. Chiaki had finally finished her afternoon jog, which is what she normally would do with Noboru after school. Unfortunately, Noboru was nowhere to be found recently, so she decide to do it on the weekend without him. It's not as if Chiaki looked for him... She was still a little upset about what happened with her club. "Perhaps it was wrong of me to pull him into the club that day... Could it be my fault that he's gone?..." Whilst in thought, she noticed Noboru's friend from school, the archery boy and other boy she's never seen before. Thinking nothing of it, she walked over to say hello. Her long pony tail swinging as she walked towards the boys, she fixed up her tights and training shirt. Joining in the conversation she greeted them. "Hashimoto-Senpai, it's been awhile! It's lovely to see you again." Turning to the other boy she greeted him and introduced herself. "You must be a friend of senpai, it's nice to meet you, I'm Chiaki Nettu. Please, excuse my current attire, I've just finished my usual afternoon jog."