[b]Name:[/b] Nayash [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Dragoon Spirit:[/b] N/A (Later, Gold Dragoon) [b]Weapon:[/b] Heavy, double edged, staff weapon with blunt tips that looks like hammer heads with spikes (ill draw something :D ) [b]Appearance:[/b] Muscular but quite tall, so Nayash appears as slim-fit rather than bulky. She has dread-locked black and brown hair and piercing golden brown eyes. Her face has strong cheekbones and a flatter nose, with filly lips. She dresses appropriately but you'll see her mostly in her leather armor and tracker boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Stubborn, gruff, not at all lady like. Nayash comes off as threatening and kind of mean, however she's really just a softy once a person gets to know her. She is loyal to those she trusts but most often sly and sneaky in her ways. [b]History: [/b]Nayash's youth was rather uneventful. She was born and raised in the town of Ulara of the Death Frontier, and has lived a relatively peaceful life. When she was older she was taught the arts of combat so that she later could defend herself and others in case the town or her would need it. It wasn't only for that reason that the elders of the town chose to teach Nayash the art of combat. Their hidden agenda was to find a way to control Nayash's thirst for strength and power, and her aggression issues. By mastering the art, the elders hoped that Nayash would calm down to a more peaceful state of mind and be able to do daily chores, and deal with stressful situations in a more sophisticated way, but much of it backfired. Nayash became calmer in mind, indeed more controlled in her ways, but way less sophisticated. Her explosive actions turned into sly and the effects were more devastating than before, so it was soon decided that Nayash could no longer stay in Ulara. She was sent out on a made-up quest to find a made up man called Illurath, and to bring him back to Ulara as a prisoner of war to be judged by the people of Death Valley for his crimes against their culture and humanity. It was a task that Nayash happily followed, and hence she was discretely and slyly removed from her own home, sent on an endless quest for a man that doesn't exist. [i]Players note: I hope that this is alright for now, as I intend to update the profile with pictures and perhaps a bit clearer of history. Just tell me if I need to fix anything. Also, i know NOTHING about the game that this roleplay is based of, but I am really interested anyway. Also I heard ya needed a Golden Dragoon, and that totes sounds cool :> [/i]