Darthalia didn't care to much about the scouting, she had advised against it but maybe it would be useful. She decided to stay quiet and just follow along. She walked a bit behind the group, unfolding the map in front of her and scanning over it as she walked. She heard some soft muttering behind her so she turned her head subtly and looked from the corner of her eye. Some odd elf girl was staring into the back of her head. The second person to do that, she thought as she turned to look at the map again, was it some sort of greeting, or was it a threat, she did not understand it at all so she chose to ignore it and continue wondering forward. Her cloak hung from her shoulders, the hood had fallen down during the battle, her odd bleach blonde hair revealed along with her long pierced ears, there were all sorts of organic things strewn through her hair, long bits of bark with hair wrapped around them and a few flowers tied there, some strands of hair were red and alot more of them were red at the back where her hair was short. She continued walking before speaking up "Umm while you are scouting, do you mind keeping your eyes out for some blue lilies, they would be most useful for maybe a night vision potion, might be helpful...." She trailed off, seeing if they were even listening to her soft monotone voice.