The lake was still, therefore the only ripples that formed on it were from the little row boat, that paddled across the blue surface. He had hired the little dingy from an equally little settlement on the other side of the lake, and was being taken across by an old man that didn't sat much. Apparently he had known where the dock was, he had worked there when it was open, it had been a fishery long ago but he said it was "in ruins now." Vis was sat in the front of the canoe, looking out across the lake with his eye peeled, looking our for the dock in question. Soon it came into view and it truly was in the state of disrepair that the old man had described it, missing planks (lots of missing planks), rotting timber and the husks of long decayed warehouses overlooking the piers. Scanning the dockland, he noticed a man on one of the better condition docks. Vis pointed to it and the man nodded, steering towards it and stopping with a bump as it touched the log beams. Climbing off Vis flipped a silver to the elderly boatman and he proceeded to row away. "I'm assuming you are the contact," Vis said, his voice sounding winded because of the chunk of cheek missing, "nice bear."