[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/763c15196c5131c9f8a3c5f92e185351/tumblr_mn47y66Hc81rmceijo1_500.gif[/img][/center] The metal wrapping Slade's body made a ting, literally giving him a light shiver, as he turned around to see the yellow Flash. His pupils widened, a clear sign that he was rather impressed by the speed demon's abilities, but he did his best to hide it. On a completely unrelated side note, he was somewhat pleased that the villain got his head out of his ass and decided to give teamwork a shot. His actions in Central City have led a lot of people, including Slade himself, to believe that he was nothing short of a psychopath, a man who enjoys watching others suffer. Once in his life, the Mercenary was glad he was proven wrong. Wilson threw a nod at the anti-Flash, only to realize he was long gone, and that he was nodding to a red and yellow silhouette that was left behind. Despite Zoom's obedience, the Merc knew he didn't control him. He wasn't even sure if Amanda herself had full control over him. Slade reverted back to his previous position, facing Boomer, who, as previously foreshadowed, was spewing his usual stream of bullshit. His harsh words prompted Deathstroke to speak, but before he could make out a sentence, the Cap finally gave in, about to make a demand when more guards emerged and compelled the talkative Aussie to pull out his weapons. Slade did the same, managing to get two headshots with his trusted FN Five-Seven pistols, paving the way for Digger's careless attack. He turned his head, scowling under his mask at the man for his negligence. If Waller wasn't going to blow their heads up, then it would be Boomer's excitement who would. But even Boomer, who was pretty obnoxious, didn't get into Slade's nerves as much as the next guy - that would be Catman. Ever since he burst into the prison, all he did was try to one-up the rest of the inmates. His remarks and the fact that he promoted himself as head of the group without the other's consent further agitated Slade. To add more to the tension, Ravager was craving for attention and there were more guards coming their way. Unsure of what was more annoying; the sound of gunfire or the incoherent rambling between the team, the Merc finally let out a growl, hoping it would settle everything down. "Enough!", he said, darting his gaze towards the Cat, who was urging them to follow the escape plan devised by him, before continuing his speech, "There's a better chance she's gonna blow your head if you continue with your stubborn attitude, Kitty. If you want to proceed with your plan, then nobody's stopping you, but I sure as hell am not gonna stick behind your tail.", Slade finished, gradually calming down as he did. He was confident that none of the inmates was going to follow him, taking into account Boomer's relationship with the Cat was pretty sour, while Ravager was, for some unknown reason, infatuated with the One-Eyed Merc. Amid the ongoing noise and the gunfire, Slade's hearing senses received a feminine voice, obviously Ravagers, suggesting that there should be an escape vehicle around which would help the team to get to the air ship. He turned his head to face her, relieved that someone finally made a good implication. The moment he mentioned 'wheels', Slade's mind immediately sprung back to the APCs, same ones that were used to capture him. They were probably the prison's trademark vehicles, and the best part about them is that they were big, designed to hold a personnel of at least six people, excluding the driver. The improvised team that had just been created was only comprised of five souls - well, four, if one of them felt merciful enough to kill Catman in the way and spare the rest from his pathetic attempts at trashtalk, so the numbers figured. The Merc punched the man-sized hole the girl had made with his gauntlets, making enough room for him to fit in, then standing up, toe-to-toe with his number 1 fan. "Okay. That's what we're gonna do."