**Farren North - MEC - Buck/Robert** Farren half snorted when Buck said he had a reputation to uphold, grinning as she did though. It was fun teasing him. “But isn’t a reputation as a nice guy better?” she asked. Farren turned around when she heard the click of a room, but it wasn’t either of the ones she’d knocked on. Instead it was an older man in a robe and slippers. Farren flushed slightly, feeling bad that she had probably woken him up accidentally, and just nodding when he said the other two weren’t there. Hmm… early risers. “Nice to meet you too,” Farren smiled, shaking Robert’s hand after Buck had introduced them all. The old man’s smile was genuine and friendly, putting Farren at ease and she smiled back, nodding her agreement with Buck’s appreciation for the people letting them in. “Moooom” she heard from Dean, causing her to sigh. “Excuse me,” she said softly, smiling at the two men and turning to go over to Dean. “Yes honey?” she said, bending down and grabbing the banana yogurt cup before her son could swallow it, considering he was allergic and she was hungry herself. “Where are we?” he asked, licking the lid of the strawberry yogurt while sitting on the floor. “We’re at a hospital.” Dean’s eyes looked in alarm. “Don’t worry, none of us are sick, it’s just a safe place, okay?” she smiled. Dean still looked suspicious, but nodded, tossing aside the lid and trying to grab his mother’s. “No,” she said firmly, swallowing her yogurt like a vacuum before her son could get upset, picking him up, and bouncing him back to Buck and Robert. “Dean, this is Mr. Oswald, okay?” she said. Dean just stared at the old man, content as long as Farren was holding him.