Bumping again. I'm really kind of feeling my medieval-feel fantasy-esque characters right now. I have three well developed ones, and when I created them they were all princesses/monarchs of some kind because I was really in that feel in that moment, but they can be adapted to just about anything. Always wanting to explore Ancient themes, but also kind of wanting modern Slice of Life. I REALLY need to brush up on writing romance again, so I am so down for one of those lost loves, "we were together but now we're not but I still love you" kind of stories. If I'mma do a flat out casual sort of romance roleplay, I don't want to be building the relationship from the bottom. In an advanced setting, with a hella complex story, yes, building from the beginning when they meet and such, but I also really want a casual love story. My casual is still, like, five paragraphs though.