Sorry about that Duthguy, I forgot to copy/paste the summaries from the interest check. Yes, they're also in the google doc, thanks NoBrain. The character sheet and my own character are up, so hopefully that will help. Classes: The Knight is a Martial Class that focuses on the use of close range weapons like swords, spears, polearms, etc. They're known for having strong direct attack power. The Adept is a Magic Class that uses basic elemental magic; Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Light, Dark, Gravity, Void, Metal, Wood, so on and so forth. They specialize in magic with wide areas of effect and good offensive abilities, but their casting can be complex and leave them vulnerable. The Shade is a Martial Class meant for espionage, sneak attacks, scouting, etc. They're faster than knights but not as strong. The Binder is a Magic Class that uses seals, barriers, and other defensive magics to pin down an enemy or block attacks on allies. In one on one fights they can use a little offensive power by creatively using their restraints, but otherwise they're more suited to support. The Sniper uses ranged weapons like guns and bows, and takes careful aim at an enemy from range before firing. Like magic users they're weaker in close range and their attacks often take time to charge, but they have much longer range than most magic users and if their shot hits, it does a lot of damage at once. The Cleric uses a combination of healing magic and enhancement/buffing magic on their allies, while using weakening/debuffing magic on enemies. They're the only class with zero offensive ability in most cases, but without them the casualties would be through the roof. Strikers are a Martial Class that uses their own body as a weapon, with things like martial arts and grappling. They share a few qualities with both Knights and Shades, and sometimes have self-healing abilities, but they're not as powerful in any one category. Summoners are a Magic Class that, rather than casting spells themselves, form contracts with monsters and summon them to fight in their place. Different monsters have different abilities, but summoning tends to have a higher energy cost than other magics. Spells are exactly that, magical spells used by Magic Classes. You can create your own spells, but try to follow the format of whatever class you choose (for instance, Binders don't have healing abilities.) When describing a spell, it's a good idea to include its element, range, what it's designed to do, things like that. Skills are similar to spells, but used by Martial Classes. Over time, magic has seeped into their bodies from their equipment, and while they can't cast spells, it's made them strong enough to use these special techniques. These are often self-buffs that increase strength or speed, special weapon techniques unique to their fighting style, adding a special status or element to their weapon, so on and so forth. Again, there is more detail, along with a Character Sheet, in the Google Document. I will also post the Character Sheet form in the character tab of the main topic.