Upon entering the comms room and hearing the voice on the other end out it Syrus' face dropped color to white in mila seconds. "How..." was all that escaped his lips before he pushed past the other and a guy he didn't know who had been leaning on the wall next to the comms. Pressing the but his voice cracked and what came out sounded nothing like he was trying to say. Trying to say Mei he wound up sounding like a wounded animal drawing it's final breath then exhaling all the air it had left in its entire body in the form of a squeak. A few seconds went by and he clear his throat. "Mei!? What the he'll are you doing here!? The last time I saw or heard your voice you ran away from me saying you had to go!" He wasn't angry by any means just flabbergasted. Struck by her again it seemed. He had confidence that night on the dance floor but now he was at a loss. "Um please come in! It seems we have a lot to talk about!" He said a little overly so. Finally sitting down at the table in the comms room he ran his hands through his hair and cleared his throat just in care.