![](http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img910/5669/5MRaxq.png) Name: Mysaren Theodore Age: 19 Gender: (Transgender) Female Personality: Mysaren is more introverted, tending to stay more to the outside of things. She's not above pulling strings and doing some less than satisfactory things to get her way. She has the tendency to be morbid, used to dealing with death. Because of this, she can come off as rather macabre or even a bit of an ass. However, she doesn't try to be gross or anything, for her, death is a way of life. Her general speaking is rather erratic and unorganized, resulting in many slip ups and rambling. She's rather laid back, but is somewhat prone to anxiety if something particularly bad happens. With her friends, she's loyal and somewhat of a caregiver. She's less of a "lets talk out your problems" person, however, and more of a "lets make these problems disappear" person Sexuality: Bisexual Familiar: Rhosyn the Bear Theme Song: Ghosting - Mother Mother Other: Dating Eleri. Witch, specializes in necromancy.