![I am totally not up to something here](http://i.imgur.com/8KEMkA3.jpg "He hates how his facial hair makes him look older than he actually is.") **First Name:** Andrew **Last Name:** Mallory **Code Name:** Arms **Age(7-18):** 18 **Gender:** Male **Original Floor (2-5):** 2 **Power (Can only be one thing):** Andrew’s arms have the ability to change into an enhanced metal form. When in use, they are much stronger and more durable than a regular humans arm, although they lose a lot of their dexterity. They also can expand out to double their length, although usually keeps them at a shorter length to make it slightly less abnormal. Since he does not know how to control his powers, they activate and deactivate entirely at random. He really hates how they seem to appear at the most inopportune times. On another note, the ability coming out makes him much more irritable and aggressive. However, this is more his personality reacting to an ability that ruined his life. **Special Skills:** Since he began basic training, he does have skills in using military weapons and taking part in close quarters combat. However, since he never finished, it is nowhere near the level of an experienced soldier. He'd like to have a gun, but grudgingly accepts the fact that they probably won't let him. **Theme Song (Optional):** [He dislikes this overused theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9NStVkSCuk) **Outfit:** Andrew often wears the clothes he was given to him by the military. Since he cannot afford more, those are his only clothes ... a fact he sorely detests. **Other:** Andrew tends to hate everything, including himself. This is mostly due to his families extremely poor economic status. Not only that, but when he got the chance to become a member of the military, and possibly make some money for his family, he was discovered to have powers and was promptly discharged. *He also hates having to say ‘rawr’ at the end of this paragraph.*