It was not often that Batches activities deviated from her main objectives, when she did however it was with exceptionally good reason. News had travelled south of a village that should not be and protected by beings not of of mortal realm. While her Master was not one for performing dark arts himself, a means by which he could perfectly defend his private chambers would certainly be of interest to him, he very much valued his secrets. It was the very reason Batche was created after all. Be the source of the Fiends an artefact he would have certainly brought it back for scrupulous examination, although if were packs with ancient Gods he would not be so inclined to get involved. She wouldn't know till she were there, and neither would her Master. This was the sort of event her Master put to paper, the sort of muse he sought out. Following the path he took had always left the Golem 10 paces behind, it was time to take risks on new curiosities if she wanted to be by his side again. _By his side again._ Batches Reward Circulator Matrix kicked in and she felt the closest approximation to a warm fuzzy feeling a construct could feel. Voices. Batche awoke from her slumber and stretched awkwardly in her container. After a quick massage of her neck leathers, she started putting pressure on the front of the box. Slowly she eased the few nails that held her in out of their resting places until there was enough room to negotiate the act of stepping out onto the pier with the grace only a machine could in such a situation. After dusting the remaining hay that had adhered to her crystalline body, she offered a delicate curtsy to the first person she saw, the large Bear. "Its lovely to make your acquaintance, noble Druid. Pray tell, where are the others? I do wish to meet them." After a short pause of the Bear saying nothing, Batches continued slightly flustered, "Oh please forgive my rudeness mighty Druid, my name is Miss Batche but you can just call me Batche, if it pleases you... what should I call you?"