(If any links are broken let me know) > ADS personnel file #78725 > > Name: Alexander Lucas Powell > > Sex: Male > > Rank: Corporal > > Serial Number: 765-62-7493 > > Age: 25 > > Place of Birth: Arcturus Theta > > Hair: Brown > > Eye Color: Hazel > > Ethnicity: Caucasian > > Most recent photo: > > [Alexander Powell in full outfitting](http://[URL=http://s30.photobucket.com/user/bioblade315/media/Ps4-_Killzone-Shadow_Fall-_will_include_crossover_content_exclusive_to_Japan-n2g_zpsc579934c.png.html][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c328/bioblade315/Ps4-_Killzone-Shadow_Fall-_will_include_crossover_content_exclusive_to_Japan-n2g_zpsc579934c.png[/IMG][/URL]) > Personal Record: Clean > > Military Career: Fast tracked to leading his own squad after his actions in the Deep War earned him a Medal of Honor. > > Psychological Evaluation: Hard-headed, but has a talent for leadership due to his fearless yet cautious mindset. When tested on his leadership in the Deep War after the death of his squad’s leader, Alexander seemed to handle the role amazingly well and even in the intensity of the situation at hand held a level head. Has no known psychological issues that have needed dealt with through medical solutions. > > Physical Evaluation: Is not very strong, but has high endurance and is extremely mobile even in Dive Armor. Earned a Medal for Physical Excellence during Basic training. Has no known physical complications that have needed medical solutions. > > Background: Powell was born on Theta, raised by John Michael and Lisa Ann Powell. John helped draw plans for the Poseidon project, up until his and his wife’s murder when Alexander was around 8. After this Alexander lived with his father’s grandparents, as his mother’s parents had passed on a year before. His father designed a combat mini drone for himself about two years before that, codenamed “Watch Dog” the drone was versatile enough to be used underwater and out of water combat. Though when it came in Alexander’s possession he personally named it “Foxhound” or “Fox” for short, the two have been an inseparable pair since the start, the drone has actually in a sense threatened other persons for acting hostile to Alex, nearly firing upon a group who attempted to jump him during Basic Training. Alexander is renowned for his capability in the field of tactics and infantry combat, his tactical shine-through is his squad leadership as shown by his actions during the Deep War that helped the ADS gain an advantage. His team was sent to establish a CP in a critical location at the time, en-route the team was ambushed, the leader died not too long after the fight began. Forcing Alexander to take over and lead, though the situation, according to gathered footage and intel, was particularly intense, Alexander proved he was a more than capable leader of the now named “Wolf” team, also earning himself a medal for his courage. The team, known for it’s skill and refined tactics under their new leader, was requested to be a part of the security force on the newly made Poseidon. Gladly the team joined on as one of the squads onboard, leading the group into what some label a suicide mission. > > Now a Corporal on the Poseidon, he attempts to keep peace between the people and the corporations, but already he has made this warning, “I sat this to any and all corporate soldiers and personnel, if you violate the laws set in place upon this ship and by the ADS. I have no issue shooting monkey suit grunts.” after the warning the corporations all voiced a strong distaste for him, but he stayed onboard nonetheless. > > A photo of the Corporal’s drone: > > ![Foxhound](http://[IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c328/bioblade315/images48_zps3bf5f2f1.jpg[/IMG] "enter image title here") > Certifications: Is certified in Dive Armor use, and Drone deployment, repair, and use. > > Augmentations: Alexander has augments that improve reaction times, agility, intellect, and the basic needs to survive on Arcturus Theta.