So, in light of everything that is going on, I wanted to ask a question. Why did you guys start roleplaying? For me, I started to roleplaying to escape the reality of what was going on around me. My parents were getting divorced and I was still in hoghschool at the time. It was difficult for me to handle everything including my terrible school life so I turned towards roleplaying. It gavee the chance to create a person I wished I could be. This all changed after I moved out last year and started living on my own. Now roleplaying is my outlet for creativity and a way for me to avoid stress. Now I write so I can release what I am thinking, the fantastical worlds where people live in tandem with mythological beings. It also allows me to avoid worry because I get caught up in the work I am doing, whether this means making a character, writing a post or creating a world. Over the years, roleplaying has become a part of me as much as heart is