The ceremony had been duller than expected, which was incredible because Johann had been expecting it to be _dulllllllll_. A lot of talk about potential, a lot of talk about duty, and an endless lecture on the heroic warriors spirit that drove every true swordsperson to their greatest height. It was a great spiel for pumping up those that aspired to be blademasters. It didn't have the same effect on someone who dreamed of becoming, say, a one man band. He looked around the sunny courtyard they had been assembled in for the entrance ceremony and took note of all the giddy aspirants as they talked, mingled, and showed off their power. He was struck, not for the first time, with the feeling that he didn't belong here. That he was somehow taking something from these people with his lack of ambition. His parents had assured him that, no, this was totally the right place for a boy of his improbable talent and can do attitude should be even if he wasn't going to follow in the family business and be an international man of mystery, but there was always this feeling that they were having a go at him. Also this place didn't have a music program, and he wondered sickly if that might not have been the actual point. Still, no need to let a sour mood ruin this otherwise lovely day. He already knew where his room was and, in the absence of any official instruction, he whipped off the little cape his sister had bought and insisted he wear, found a nice shady spot by the wall, laid the cape down, sat, and relaxed.