What a great night this whole event was turning out to be. Suto couldn't be more thrilled, everyone in attendance seemed to be having a genuinely good time right now. It was so rare that they all just had fun like this, and in doing so he couldn't help but be reminded about life outside of the game. This would be the world they'd be coming back to, back to going out as a group and having fun together, but for real. The thought of it all nearly made his heart leap in excitement, he couldn't wait. Watching as Kenshin departed he quirked an eyebrow, putting his hands on his hips with a faint smile. "Where on earth is he going...?" he asked rhetorically, surprised shy Kenshin was heading out on his lonesome. Not a moment later did Fitch come over to join them as well, only to give Yari a hug and leave the building as well after their other friend. The celebration was still going strong, wasn't it? It was a little disappointing that people were beginning to go, and of course Suto was unaware they'd been at it for over an hour at this point. With his focus on the birthday girl he jumped a bit when someone grabbed his shoulder, turning with a bashful smile to see it was Nero. "What...? A guy's night out?" he mimicked, honestly perplexed. He knew the girls were chatting about doing something, but he hadn't intended on a night out on the town really, not with the state that his wallet was in. No sooner had Nero proposed the idea and said goodbye to Yuna had he taken Suto by the collar, dragging him towards the door of the inn. "Hey...!" he shouted, flailing slightly against being manhandled. Realizing he was going whether he wanted to or not he smiled over at the girls, waving to them cheerfully. "Have fun you three! See ya later!" Taken from the inn and out into the cool night air it looked like they were really going out to do their own thing. Suto stumbled slightly as he was released by Nero, standing upright and glancing down at himself, carefully straightening out his Gi top. "A 'Will you come with me?' would have worked just fine you know," he joked, glancing up at the other boy, his characteristic smirk back in place. "So, where did you plan on going? I'm just saying right now that I'm flat broke, save for maybe 150 Col. I can't buy a whole lot of anything right now." He was perfectly aware of course that Nero had more than enough cash on him to cover just about anything they might do for the evening. If it meant postponing going to bed and staying busy then all the better, Suto would bite his pride and let the boy pay. Certainly though he wasn't going to ask, though he'd jump at the offer. Raising his arms he then folded them behind his head, giving his body a stretch and faint groan along with it. "But, I'm up for anything. The night's young, and it's not like we've got a raid going on tomorrow. I say let's let loose and have some fun!" Luna was having a fairly good time, allowing herself to play about perhaps more than she should. It was a birthday party after all, surely a situation like this was okay to throw some of her rules aside. As the evening progressed she naturally found herself being pulled more towards the girls of the group than the boys, preferring to be with her own sort. Her uncertainty around boys always made things difficult, and her often strict and commanding behavior certainly must make her a chore to be around. It was disappointing to see every male thus far shirk away from her, no one wanted to be with the feisty one. How silly of her to be thinking about this right now though, and selfish too. It was Yari's birthday, and it was only proper that she be the focal point of the evening. Pushing aside her own trivial concerns Luna smiled at the birthday girl as she proposed a night out, just for them. It was ambitious for her to suggest such a thing, but hopefully it'd help alleviate some of her somber thoughts. She didn't intend to do it right away however, but when people started to depart it looked as though that would be the case. She was disappointed that the boys had left so readily, thinking in her limited experience that friends shouldn't walk out on a party. Hardly understanding the nuances of such an event she kept quiet, offering simple goodbyes to those who left. "Hm? Sorry?" Luna had been lost in thought when addressed, missing Yuna's question. Yari was kind enough to repeat it, and frankly she wasn't prepared to answer. It had been a comment made in passing, not even expecting to be heard. The other girls looked to be interested though, meaning now she had to actually come through with it. "Oh... Well let me think..." she replied, trailing off as she bit her lip. What was something they could do as a group? Another problem arose out of this, one again that made her a bit upset. She'd been pretty good friends with Yari since this game started, and yet she didn't quite know what friends really did together. They could go shopping... But then again what would they buy? There were no movie theaters in Aincrad, so a movie was out of the question as well. Those were the only two things she could think of, and only one was even viable. "What if we went shopping? You know... Dresses and stuff..." Luna suggested uncertainly, her cheeks flushing again. She wasn't very good at this, it was certainly more Yari's domain to socialize, or even Yuna's despite her shyness. Thinking about it for a moment she figured there was an ulterior motive to going out shopping as well. She could buy something to wear in town, something that perhaps might find her the attention of a certain man. "Unless there's something you two want to do? I'm afraid I don't really know what there is to do for fun around here."