“What’s up kiddo?” Dick kissed Stephanie on top of her forehead as he and Barbara entered the manor. In some ways it felt like years since he had been here and in other ways it felt like only yesterday. It was never a bright place, even in the day time most of the light came from the soft glow of old gothic lanterns littered throughout the estate. Every room filled with secrets and some form of deception. That was the dark magic of Wayne Manor. Dick followed Barbara into the main room where other members of his family had gathered. A wry smile crossed the once upon a time Robin’s face; the others were all dressed smartly much like Bruce always was. Dick himself had just come off duty and hadn’t bothered to get changed when he picked Barb up from their modest studio apartment. He was still dressed in his dark jeans, grey v neck, converse and leather jacket. He glanced over at his lady love and noted her expression as Tim entered the room. One of the things Dick prided himself on was being to read a person’s eyes and he could always read Barbara’s. She was seeing younger versions of themselves in Tim and Steph. Robin and Batgirl, fated love perhaps? “Timmy” He greeted his favoured younger brother. “You look good dork, little round in the middle though. You been slacking?” It was all fun banter of course, Tim looked in great shape. Obviously the boss hadn’t let up any of his old training methods. _"I brought a Christmas present. I tried shaking the box, but I think it's mostly filled with insolence and excrement."_ It was like looking at a kid version of Bruce. Same scowl. Same hair. Same eyes. Dark eyes. Eyes that carry way too much pain. “Damian, are you sne….” The emergence of another figure behind Damian cut short whatever sarky quip Dick was about to say. Barbara called out a name and a face was brightened by dim candelight. Dick knew that his little brother was alive, he also knew that when he left Gotham after his rampage that he went looking for penance. Every fibre of his being was telling him to give the newcomer a piece of his mind but he knew it wasn’t right. Not tonight. “How you doing Jay?” Beneath them all, a smiling man looked through his security feed. With his final child at the door, it was time to show his face…