![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/Mak7JB5.jpg "enter image title here") Cassandra zipped up her coat and placed the duffle bag over her shoulder, picked up a suitcase in each hand, and began the walk up the long driveway. A bitter cold gust of wind hit her, whipping her long shiny hair around, and making her regret letting the cab driver drive her up to the front door. She had let her grow out in recent months after years of wearing it short. Now her thick locks fell just below her shoulders. And it was no longer its natural dark black color, instead her hair was a deep brunette. Cassandra had also began experimenting with coloring and highlighting. The walk was chilly and uncomfortable, but it got the blood pumping. Her dark brown eyes gazed upon the mansion that lay before her that seemed to grow with each step she took towards it. How odd it was that she was approaching the home of Bruce Wayne and not the Cave of the Batman. The cave is where she had spent the majority of her time as Batgirl. It was where she trained, where she did research, received her orders, ate her meals and most often slept. The cave had been her home for years. Stepping up to the sizable front doors the young vigilante hesitated. Cassandra was unsure what to do. She was for all intent and purposes family so she could just open the door and walk inside. Should she knock? What was the proper etiquette when arriving at your adopted father's slash night prowling vigilante multi-million dollar home? After debating much too long over a simple everyday decision, Cassandra rang the doorbell.