Ryan had given half a chuckle when he put Ayden to Katie as her godson. "Yes, this is he. Loves his auntie to bits, he is nearly as in love with her as she is him." She confirmed after a moment, and once Charlie went to take the lad to leave, she let Oliver read through her documents as she said good bye. "Now, remember, Ayden, be on your best behavior. And when you get to go flying, make sure to hang on tight, like your auntie showed you." She told her son who gave her a big hug and she kissed his forehead. "I love you." "I luv you, mummy." He said back, and she rejoined Oliver as he read through her last file. His first question caused her to sigh. "I doubt that, highly. As bad as Azkaban can be, they haven't reported any deaths, and any of them would have been brought to someone's attention in the aurors office. I don't know why he stopped writing, but just keep some faith, hmm?" She said. She closed her eyes a moment as she sipped her tea, but his question caused her to open her eyes, and she turned her head away for a moment. No one had ever actually asked her that question, so she had no clue exactly how to answer, especially since speaking of what happened with Trent had been exceedingly difficult. "Well, during the war, the Muggleborn Registration Comission came for my husband, Trent Day. He had worked in the Ministry as well, but he left once that atrocious woman, Umbridge, came. I stayed in the Department of Mysteries so I could change Ayden's legal name under the radar, so he would be protected. Since I am a Pure Blood," she began, her eyes lowering. "I begged Trent to run, I did, but he didn't want to leave me and Ayden, said he'd gladly take Azkaban over showing his son that running is okay... and then came his trial. Caused an upheaval, and well..." she paused again, and she began somewhere different. "Okay, I may have been an unspeakable, but I can tell you where I worked. I worked in the Death Chamber, and after Trent, I stayed for a week before I took Ayden and hid. I was asked to return, but I couldn't, and they understood why. So they pushed my paperwork in the aurors office." She couldn't bring herself to say what happened as the images that had been seared into her mind.played over and over again. She took a sip of her tea and she stood. "Please, excuse me, I need some air." She said as she stepped outside for a moment and she sat against the outer wall of the small cafe, her head in her hands. She had been trying to overcome this since it happened, but she hadn't been doing well. She knew returning to work, especially with the veil and knowing he wouldn't appear. She lifted her head, she had been told she could return to the veil anytime, so perhaps she could check there for Kearney if it came down to it. She recomposed herself and she reentered the cafe and gave her apologies. "I do apologize, it sometimes becomes.difficult for me to talk about."