Larris sat quietly near the front of the boat the crewmen casting nervous looks at the armored man who sat before them. They all knew what they were about to do and it terrified them they were a superstitious lot and they questioned the captain about what would happen to them if they robbed a man of religion but the captain denied their fears and told them to get back to their work, finally as they neared their destination the captain uttered a few simple words. "Do it." He said and his men nodded they drew their blades and approached the paladin. "We apologize but we be needing yer gold and things." One said, "Yeah we gots children to feed." Said another. "Gentlemen we can resolve this issue, i assure you when we land i will give you all the money i have, i do not wish to turn your wives into widows and your children into orphans." Larris said his hand reaching the hilt of his blade. But the men just shook their heads and proceeded one went for a swing to the throat but in a heartbeat Larris had his blade drawn and parried, something in his head seemed to reach out to him whispering. *"Kill them all feed on them, bathe in their blood!"* The voice distracted Larris and one of their blades cut him on his left shoulder shaking it off Larris wrapped the man across the knuckles with the flat of his blade causing him to drop it, kicking the blade behind him the paladin proceeded through the men disarming them where he went by the battles end Larris was the only one who had been hurt and their weapons had been thrown overboard. "We're sorry sir we did not want to our captain said so!" A crewman said and Larris just shook his head. "You are forgiven, but i fear we are running late so can you please get back to the oars?" Larris asked, the crewmen nodded and once again the ship was moving through the water. Eventually the craft made it to the run down docks and there was a variable array of people who sat around them, the gangplank was deployed and Larris threw a large sum of money on the crates of the ship and departed. As he walked across the rotted planks one of them snapped under the weight of his armor and he nearly stumbled his hands went to his helmet to keep it on and he was afraid he looked like quite the fool as he pulled his foot from between the wood. "Please excuse me, i'm normally not that clumsy, but does anyone have a bandage? i fear i suffered a small wound before i came here." Larris said, straightening himself and looking at the gathered array of his companions, upon viewing the massive bear Larris shifted so he was upwind from the bear so it couldn't scent the fact that he was slowly rotting within his armor easily.