> Name: He decided to cover up whatever name he had, and instead chose "Spero," which is Latin for "I Hope." Like me, Spero has a fascination with Google translate, and words in Latin. > > Age: 19 > > Gender: Male > > Appearance: > > ![](http://payload5.cargocollective.com/1/5/171487/2407532/male_character.jpg) > > Magic Branch: Elemental- can use air as his second-most-powerful, but his primary is electrical. He has a slight ability in Vitalism, less in healing physical wounds, but more in calming and reassuring someone- pushing emotion through to someone to help- or possible hurt- someone. Spontaneous, in-the-moment and most definitely not static, while having a caring side that he'd be unlikely to openly admit. His defining power would label him as the "Stormbringer." > > Backstory: > Kidnapped at age two, Spero was one of a few disappearances in a small town. The others were assorted kidnappings from criminals, but Spero was chosen for a greater purpose, saved from the possible criminal kidnappers. He didn't know much of anything besides warm-safe-large-walled was being left behind, and that made him throat-hurt-eyes-spill. > > Later, though after being raised by the secretive people in the underground lair, he was introduced to the crystal, younger than age 10. He was still a child, and yet he nearly electrocuted three people and killed himself in the process, before he managed to stop go lightning-y. He spent some time in isolation, practicing and eating vast amounts to support his energy use, so that he could learn to control it. It was a voluntary mission- he asked to be put in one of the padded cells they kept for a dangerous prisoner, letting the wards on the walls absorb and deflect the magic. He practiced like that for over a month, in total isolation, eating enough for three and using enough power to leave him exhausted every day. When he came out, he was a bit different. The friends he had, he stopped talking to; the things he used to like, not quite so much. He became more withdrawn, more focused. Some time afterwards, when he reached his teenage years, he was sent on a mission with a couple older mages. When he returned, he was badly shaken; he trained for several more years before going on another mission, and after this, he went on a steady flow- a month or two away, a couple weeks back, and then another month or two away. He's dedicated to the cause, even if he knows that he was kidnapped against his and his family's will. See? If you use your imagination, wonderful things can happen.