"Grrroowl?" The bear that stood before her was not a druid, it was a real bear. Tamed, for it didn't seem likely that a wild bear would be so vigilant in its watch of an old the pier such as this, which could only mean its owner wasn't to far. As she guessed, four gentlemen were locked in conversation further down her pier. It was rude to interrupt them, but she had to make her presence known at least, lest they leave without her. Batche sashayed down the pier towards them, giving a friendly wave to her new party as she went. "Evening gentlemen! It is lovely to make your acquaintance also, I am Miss Batche and I am here about the fearsome flesh rending beasts from another dimension. Did I over hear that someone is injured? I brought Nettle and Skinbane infused bandages for just the occasion your mortal bodies decide to succumb to physical punishment." Batche smiled, already being so helpful, Master would be content.