Lily Beckett was lost. It was, she reflected, not really her fault. The directions she had received were awful - go east, and follow the path laid before you? What in Torm's name did that mean? In retrospect maybe she should have let the man finish before she rode off at Daggerford. And now her old, reliable courser was now hobbling beside her, the rocky hills of the Moor having caused him to throw a shoe. She'd checked the leg, and -that- was okay. But all the magic available to her wasn't able, irritatingly enough, to regenerate his broken hoof. And so they walked, her horse hobbling beside her, Lily offering what aid she could manage to her companion. It wasn't much, but the horse was strong willed. "Can't be much further now, Arafaer." She said to him. "Look, the river." She pointed ahead, and followed the line of it in either direction, letting out a sigh of relief as she saw the massive lake. She knew, at least, that she was on the north side of the river. "Only a little further now." The two arrived a few hours later, a number of others already assembled. She found the odds of so many arriving at so remote a destination with such a broad timespan rather improbable, but if there was one thing she knew it was not to protest coincidence or destiny. She checked her sword at her hip, shrugged her helm on the strap that hung on her back, and regarded the others. A bear caught her attention first, the only other being on four legs, who seemed to either be asleep or simply resting. A familiar buzz began in the back of her mind, a whisper of fell powers or ill intent, and she braced herself, but no one seemed to fit the profile. A large, robed man was speaking to a child - no, not a man or a child. The green skin gave the first away, someone of mixed blood more likely, speaking to a halfling. In her defense she was a good ways away. There were three others nearby - two in ornate, heavy armor and a slender man or elf. She paid them no further mind and kept walking, arriving in proper earshot a minute or so later, in time to hear one of the armored figures request a bandage. "I take it we are all gathered here for the same purpose. Sir Korick, Gabriel Beckett sends his regards, but he's not much for traveling anymore. I'm his daughter, Lily."