Up above, a pair of hawks circled the beach, soaring along the coast of the river. Seemed like there was a congregation accumulating around one of the disheveled docks. One of the hawks gave silent consideration towards the developing predicament. _"Well, the letter said to meet him here...or, I think it's here...right? There's some docks...and that **looks** like a lake, soooo..."_ As high up as he was, his hawk-eyed vision gave him clear sight of the many faces occupying the location, conversing amongst themselves. Also, there was a bear. By this point, the hawk felt the need to see what all the hubbub was about, especially if he was to meet up with his employer here. "SQUAAW! (_Let's dive!_)" The hawk cried before descending, with the other hawk following suit. Soon he landed, coming up beside the bear. One hawk slowly began changing form, morphing through a blob of light into something a little more anthropomorphic. As his posture straightened, and feathers faded, the end result resembled something closer to a dirty hobo than a majestic bird of prey. As Lamont took on his human form, the other hawk took perch on one of his shoulders. He approached the dormant bear. "You're a big girl, aren't ya?" He cooed and he bent to scratch behind the bear's ears before proceeding down the dock. There was a distinct aroma filling the air as he walked, something other than the smell of sea salt. A decrepit, despicable stench, one that put Lamont and Sheeva at unease. A ready hand tightened around his quarterstaff. He approached the group of various characters, taking note of the only one sitting down and smoking. Sheeva gave short regard of the shapely automaton. "SCREEEKK! (_She looks a bit too alluring to be out here, don't you think?_)" The bird of prey queried. "I dunno Sheev...maybe she's one of those courtesan golems? I'm sure those things are built to withstand _anything_." He whispered back, before greeting the folks with numerous questions. "Uhh, I'm here for the job? Something from a guy named Korick? Wanted us to meet at this river?" He looked about the individuals. "...I'm in the right place, right?" He looked lost, while Sheeva looked at the knight in overly ornate armor. "CAHHHWWWW! (_The scent-! That man-!_)" She began to feverishly flap her wings, prepared to go for his eyes with her talons. Lammy managed to hold on to her before she could attack. "Sheeva! Calm down girl!" Even then, he gave a look towards the knight. There was certainly something _off_ about the fellow. "I'm...Lammy...and this is my companion...Sheeva." He cautiously introduced himself, peeling his eyes away from peculiar paladin.