Ahhh, sorry. I had to make sure my great dane didn't destroy anything while i was home alone. I hope this is good. Name: Taeyang "Yang" Cheochi Gender: Male Age: 128 Appearance: ![Yang](http://m.f17.img.vnecdn.net/2014/04/28/large-5969-1398683015.jpg "Yang") Personality: Yang is still young in his mind, and likes the idea of the role of little brother amongst the Elder vampires. He tends to tease and try to lighten the atmosphere when he feels things are getting too tense. He'd act like the fun older brother to the fledglings coming in, acting as the "middle child" between the two groups. He has a habit of swearing in Korean if he gets flustered or upset- but he tries to hide those feelings and stay acting as the fun loving person he wants people to see him as. He acts a bit like a kicked puppy if offended or hurt, and usually wonders what he did wrong on his nightly walks. Likes: Yang loves movies and how much they've progressed. He likes old castles and architecture, reading, stretching and sitting in weird/uncomfortable looking poses- though they are the most comfortable to him. He likes being around others and making them happy and more comfortable, as it helps him feel better when others do. Dislikes: Tension, no conversation when many are around. Continuous talking when he is obviously busy or trying to read. Being yelled at and left out/pushed away. History: Born at the tail-end of 1886 to a Korean ambassador, Taeyang was traveling to foreign countries at a very young age. He made friends all around the world and had to learn several languages- or at least good enough to hold a conversation with kids around his age. It was in these travels that he both learned his love of reading- the boat rides were very long, after all. He also had it instilled in him to make the children of the other ambassadors and leaders happy, thus creating good relations between the -hopefully- next generation of nation leaders and ambassadors. This continued up until his 28th year of life. The first World War was just a few months started, and as a neutral country, his father- and subsequently, still him despite his age- was sent to talk with both the Allies' ambassadors and the Axis'. This led to his kidnapping in late october of 1914, in the middle of the First Battle of Ypres. Prussian spies, sent to kidnap the Belgian ambassador- whom his father was in a meeting with- found it better to take him in hopes of strong-arming Korea to join their side. He was tortured,and interrogated for information. When the Powers in Korea declined joining the Axis', and all but signed his death warrant, he was put out in the front lines with no weapon. He tried running, and was close the the Allies' stronghold when a shot rang out and pain erupted in his stomach. Last thing he remembers is someone shouting, then a man in a british uniform dragging him somewhere secluded and biting him. When he woke up he was in the castle and grudgingly greeted by the other Elders. It's been his life ever since.