#Ryousei's Club Characters ![](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121028182540/kurokonobasuke/images/4/4a/Rinnosuke_Mitobe_anime.png "enter image title here") **Name:** Kyoujou "Kyojin" Jouichiro **Gender:** Male **Age:** 19 **Occupation:** College Student & part of Ryousei's club **Personality:** A peaceful, gentle giant. A pacifist by nature, Jouichiro is a relaxed man who likes to spend time among friends and nature. He has an odd fixation with insects and plants, and so, he chose to be a biologist to study them in detail. However, he is not all smiles and peace. If you somehow manage to piss him off (A really hard duty), you are in for a real punding, after all, they say the nicest people are also the scariest. **Power:** Shape shift, Jouichiro has the ability to change forms into different insects, and gain their powers at a human scale. This is an incredibly useful ability and it makes him the powerhouse of the club. **Color:** Bright Green --- ![](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140808045108/trinity-seven/images/c/cd/Selina_Sherlock_Anime_Character_Full_Body.png "enter image title here") **Name:** Yamana "Cris" Kurisu **Gender:** Female **Age:** 21 **Occupation:** College Student & part of Ryousei's club. **Personality:** She tries to act as mature and responsible as she can, contrary to her appearance. She hates been talked to as if she were a kid or worse, as if she weren't as intelligent as she really is. Kurisu is someone who speaks with some grandiose words and also likes to fiddle around with computers and electronics. Her intellect is hard to surpass and even Ryousei has a hard time keeping up with her at times, even though he is the president of the club. She has a crush on Ryousei, however, it is unsure whether this feeling are reciprocated or not. **Power:** Technopaty. She has the ability to manipulate any kind of electronic only by using her mind. Fundamentally, her brain emits powerful electronic waves that allow her to power and move technology. **Color:** Silver. --- ![](http://s23.postimg.org/hk25jli5n/chifuyu_blo.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Yamana "Kuu-chan" Koume **Gender:** Female **Age:** 11 **Occupation:** Elementary School student. Constant visitor of Ryousei's club. **Personality:** Koume is Kurisu's younger sister and also a polar opposite of her bigger sister. She is happy to be treated like a kid and seeks to be pampered by someone. She likes to sit on Ryousei's and Jouichiro's laps and have them stroke her head. However, she is also very shy and has almost no friends, her only friends being those in Ryousei's club. Knowing of Kurisu's crush on Ryousei, she tries her best to create situations in which they can be together and also calls Ryousei 'onii-chan'. Koume is also often seen holding a stuffed animal and/or eating some kind of sweet. **Power:** Healing. Simple and Straight. Koume can heal almost anything in the blink of an eye. Her power is also incredibly potent, being able to extend it as an area of effect power at will. The reason for this is hypothised to be because of her young age and some of the deepest scars found in her heart. **Color:** Hazel.