With the embers in his pipe dead he tapped it out and stashed it away in a pouch before he took a measure of the new arrivals, he looked at Larris first, " How long ago was that? Smells infected, I suppose you should let it, eh, her look at it," Korick said motioning towards Batch, " Greetings Miss, uhm, what exactly are you then." Then there was the Paladin, "Two things, do I look much like a knight? and second, I know Gabriel might not have been the most attentive father but he did teach you how to ride didn't he? Third, I'm glad your here, and fourth no, counting is not my strong suit." The squaking hawk quickly drew away his attention, as a ranger Korick could spot a druid from a mile away which made it obvious who sent Lammy, " Glad to see your parents got my letter, but uh, aren't you suppose to be a woman?" "All hail the broken god," Korick said, lacking piety but earnest in gratitude, "There's still a bit of light out but I imagine that's most of us, but I don't know who actually replied."